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dust to dust

They waved to me

Back and forth

they moved so gently

so subtly you almost missed it if you weren’t paying your attention, your respects

They didn’t demand it. Quite the contrary. They seemed to just be. Be there. Be.

They became your view, if you realized that was their purpose

Their entire being to be with us

The became subtle cracks in the blank, soft blue canvas, an emptiness somehow filled

One moved so joyfully. Jubilantly. Excitedly. Ecstatically. The ones next to him moved away

to their luck, not quickly enough

The silence would briefly pierce the low humming in the back

only imitating the ocean, but leaving its being in the waters

bringing other noises with it

rustling leaves, falling acorns, wind chimes in the distance

Only heard if looked for

never to show itself to the unsuspecting

We treated them as foreigners

when we ourselves were the foreign ones

They were naked, left behind, utterly alone

both by us and by their companions

the ones that had grown on them, with them, through them

but not for them

It was our job to keep them company — to rest on them

Instead we found ourselves running

running from the sounds because they sent a chill through us

Rubbing our hands for warmth wasn’t enough

but we stayed out to hear the birds chirp

the wind nestled our cheeks as the air enfolded us in all its majestic and soft glory

And to think…

this was all from dust

and to dust it shall once more return…

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