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living with brokenness

I described my blog as a blog of brokenness to someone.

"Thanks for reading my blog of brokenness." It was meant to be joking but I think it struck a chord with me. Why was I saying brokenness as if it were a bad thing? Why was I saying it as if it was something to be suppressed or pushed to the side for a later time? I guess it's because hearing that someone is broken or "has baggage" means that we don't want to deal with them because they're a lot to handle. But I think each of us are broken in some way. It's just some are better at hiding it than others. For me, I would never feel right hiding how broken I am. I literally want to walk up to people the first time I meet them and go, "Hi I'm broken! What about you?" with a smile on my face. Some might think I'm crazy, others may briefly bask in the fact they have found a kindred spirit. But both reactions are a result of a certain conditioning in our society to tell those who may want to open up about their weaknesses and past scars that they are weak, when in fact, that is the mark of true bravery and strength. How many other people do you see confidently admitting their faults and being willing to live life even while dragging that baggage along behind them? I'm personally very impressed.

Don't be ashamed of your brokenness.

You are one of the few who have been able to admit it and decide to live regardless.

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