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not my fight

I really don't think every fight is worth fighting. No not everyone will agree. A lot of people will say that it's not about the fight but about the victory that you feel at the end for having squashed your opponent to obliteration. Some may say that fights aren't worth it at all because confrontation is uncomfortable and why in the world would you do anything that makes you feel even remotely uncomfortable?

Yeah there are fights that you want to win because you want to prove something to yourself, fights that you fight for the message it holds, fights that might change the world. But not every fight is your fight. Not every fight is worth fighting.

I've been looking around at the world and wondering which one is mine - which one is my fight, what I have to struggle with and overcome. I had an English teacher who said that you should give your 2 cents in every fight out there and even if you weren't passionate about it you should contribute your opinion. But I never really agreed and he thought I didn't voice that opposition because I was backing down from a fight and being passive - but quite honestly and yes selfishly I didn't bother to tell him about the full reason behind my silence because that itself was not a fight I was willing to engage in. Giving in to every fight out there is such a tiring process and an inefficient one at that. You're essentially using your energy on things you don't even care about, for the sake of beating the other person, but what do you truly gain from that so-called victory? Bragging rights? A higher and more inflated ego? The chance to tell yourself you're better than he/she is? To enlighten someone with your brilliant mind? I don't think you gain enough to give up so many precious seconds of your life.

I want to fight the fights I'm passionate about, that I actually care about, that I couldn't die knowing that I gave up on. I can let a couple of arguments and battles slip under the rug because I know that those will be swept up by someone else who genuinely cares. But me? I don't know yet. No fight is worth dedicating my life to just yet - but I definitely know one exists.

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