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I am happy.

That is all I can really say.

I am happy.

I didn't win the lottery,

I didn't get into my dream college,

I didn't cure some rare disease,

I didn't do this or that.

But I am happy.

Because what I did do is get over the petty things in my life.

Life is and never will be perfect.

There will be people who turn out to be different than you thought.

But for every person you lose,

you'll find that there was someone out there,

waiting for you to come find them.

Because everything in life happens for a reason.

No matter how much I had wanted to deny it and call it all a big mistake...

everything in life happens for a reason.

And I can't even say that I'm upset because

I'm so glad that everything has turned out the way it did.

I lived my life

and I learned so much from it.

As I met new people,

laughed at some new corny jokes,

cried at the loss of my loved one,

I lived 2015 to the fullest.

It was a memorable year, yes.

But not for bad reasons.

Because everything "bad" that has ever happened to me

happened for the better.

2015 was the year that many things changed,

it was the year that I experienced life anew.

It was the year that I reconnected, lost, and met

many many people.

And for that I am happy.

Because I have made what once weighed me down

into what pulled me up to



Some of it still hurts,

but pain is something that will always subside,

and I have the perfect friends to help me along the way.

The ohana I have made,

the diddly squad I have been a part of,

the poppin' group I have met,

the friends and family who have been and are all

there for me...

What more could I possibly want?

Sure I could wish that some people had stayed in my life

but I'm happy.

I'm happy where I am because it is where

I am meant to be.

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