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"That's not real music." Well it might not be to you but it might be to someone else. Maybe your music isn't "real music" to someone else. Have you ever thought of that? And anyways what's "real" anyways? To me everything in this world is truly subjective. I mean what's music? What's music to your ears? Dissonance to you may be harmony to someone else and harmony to me might be nails on a chalkboard for you. What is the color blue to you? How do I know that my blue isn't actually your pink? Goodness this is mindblowing. Maybe everything we know is a lie.

When I was little, I used to think that God was actually a child playing dollhouse with the world and we were all his/her little Barbies and Kens, at the mercy of his/her control. It was a scary thought. Who wants to believe they're being controlled by a child with booger-covered fingers and drool peeking out the corner of their mouth? But honestly, what even is this world we live in? What is this universe? Go ahead. Prove it with science all you want but in the end, how do I even know that science is real? Now I'm just doubting everything. Ok good night.

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