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Laugh at the Little Things

I laugh at the most ridiculous things: things that people don't find even remotely funny. And as they watch me fall over and clutch my stomach in laughter, they ask me what I could possibly be laughing at and inbetween the gasps of air and uncontrollable laughter, I admit that I have absolutely no clue why I'm experiencing this insanity. But the more I've thought about it, the more I realize that I laugh at anything and everything because I want to find happiness in more things. Too often our lives are dictated by pessimism, anxiety, and negativity, so I've decided that I want to find laughter, joy, and excitement in more things because life is something to be ecstatic about. The little things make me laugh just as much as the most obvious things because everything has a certain charm to it that can bring a smile to my face. The way someone moved the pencil, the leaf bouncing across the floor, the seemingly shapeless cloud, whatever it may be: I'm ready to laugh about it because it brings me happiness - something we can never get enough of in our lives.

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